Konstru supports joining Etabs Walls and Floors into single elements. So your meshed etabs model can be translated into a proper and clean model in Revit or any other Konstru-supported platform. We implemented this workflow as close as possible to our users existing workflows so we are joining walls and floors by groups and across levels.
Also see: join frames if you are interested in joining beams and columns
This feature works both ways:
- on upload: segmented areas are being joined into one
- on download: properties of the single element are applied to all segments the same.
On Upload, when applying properties, Konstru goes by majority. So if 3 elements have section A and 2 section B, Konstru will apply section A to the overall joined element. When downloading Konstru applies properties of the single element to all 5 children the same.
Walls (joined by Group)
Etabs walls (vertical areas) can be joined automatically by group across levels. All walls being in the same group named with a prefix called "KonstruJoin" will be translated into a single wall. Please make sure your walls can be joined, which means:
- walls should be connected
- walls should form an overall rectangular shape
Floors (joined by Group)
Etabs floors (horizontal areas) can also be joined automatically by group. Your floors have to be in a group starting with "KonstruJoin". Elements within the group can span across multiple levels, Konstru will translate them into single floors per level. For best results, please make sure:
- floors are connected
- floors form and overall rectangular shape (optimal, however other shapes should work)
- avoid holes in floors you want to connect
To activate the join feature make sure you are checking the "Merge Walls by Pier Label and Floors by Groups" checkbox when selecting Up- or Download in the Konstru dialog:
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