Konstru supports uploading forces form analytical tools like SAP2000, ETABS or RAM. If you wish to upload forces at the end of each member (Beam, Brace, Column, Cable) you'll have to run analysis first. For CSI tools, make sure your model remains locked. Once you are uploading to Konstru, you'll find a checkbox when creating an new version in our uploading dialog saying "Upload analysis results (P,V2,V3,M2,M3,T) with each member". Once checked you are able to select the load combination you wish to extract forces from. Konstru will then upload an attribute with each member containing P, V2, V3, M2, M3 and T for Start and Endpoints of each member. You can download forces into Revit or Excel.
In Excel forces will appear in a column for each force and member. In Revit forces will be parameters for each force and member. So you can easily display forces in your Revit model. Each Member will hold the following 12 attributes:
Force | Attribute Station 0 | Attribute Station 1 |
Axial Force | P_Start | P_End |
Shear Force 1-2 Plane | V2_Start | V2_End |
Shear Force 2-3 Plane | V3_Start | V3_End |
Axial Torque | T_Start | T_End |
Bending Moment 1-3 Plane | M2_Start | M2_End |
Bending Moment 1-2 Plane | M3_Start | M3_End |
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